After a couple months of less riding, more desserts, and even more time with friends, I'm getting back into action. This is always a funny time of year for me. I look around and see people dreading the indoor trainer and making comments on how everyone else is starting their 'training' WAY too early. I actually do think that 6 hour slug fests in November may be a little too much, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
For me, I love training. I love having goals and I love feeling like I'm hand crafting my upcoming season. I understand that I won't have this motivation forever, but for now this is what I love to do and it's all part of the journey as my roommate and I frequently discuss. Well, it's December and I'm slowly getting into the routine again. Whether it's indoor or outdoor, it feels good to be back on the bike consistantly.
I have a feeling in the near future I will have some exciting news regarding a team for next year. I'll surely be writing a post with an announcement. Until then...