Friday, October 19, 2012

The best time to be in Colorado. (and Hawaii)

Words can't describe what it feels like to be back on the bike, training and racing. Add in the fact that it's Fall in Colorado and that's a recipe for a good couple months.

Fall has been busy with all the good stuff. Mountains, bikes, weddings, friends, working in Hawaii, etc. Putting a tumultuous Summer of 2012 behind me feels good as I look forward to a fun Fall and Winter. As far as my motivation for racing bikes in 2013, it's never been this high. I have a good feeling for next year and if I can stay injury-free, I'll be making up for a rough 2012 season.

To sum up the lengthy amount of time between the last time I logged into this thing, I'll post up some photos. 

Training partner, Julie D, and I ran into a car fire out near Lyons a while back. I was expecting a full-on Jason Bourne-style car explosion. It didn't happen. (everyone was okay)

In Crested Butte there is a festival called, Vinotok - which is a celebration of the Harvest Mother - which means all types of crazies come out of the woodwork - which means it's pretty much awesome. They 'burn the grump' after putting him on trial on main street. As you can see by our reactions, it's pretty amazing.

I'd say Red Mountain Pass may be the most beautiful Fall drive in Colorado. Standing between Durango and a little town called, Ridgeway, the landscape is littered with remnants of old mines.

And speaking of Ridgeway our friend, John Billings, is responsible for every single GRAMMY trophy made and delivered for the last 35-40 years. That right there is a 'stunt' GRAMMY - one of 8 that are handed out during the broadcast.

And finally, we helped shoot the NBC broadcast of the Ironman World Championships which is going to be aired on Saturday, October 27th. (4PM EST) The trip was chaotic, but great all in the same. A huge congrats goes out to Leanda Cave and Pete Jacobs for bringing home the titles.