Poor Brian and Jenny had to give me a crash course on the trails around Crested Butte, at 11PM the night before the race.
'You'll see a fence on your right, keep your eyes open for a 180 left turn . . .' and so on. Brian wrote out some directions, we printed off a mileage chart, AND I randomly brought my GPS. This is what I had to go on for an 8 hour ride.

Well, I still got lost. I was leading and I kept getting lost, flying past turns, and backtracking. I was so focused on not getting lost that I didn't eat like I was supposed to. So, I finished the first lap and Brian took over for our team and I kept going for the solo category. Brian was the man and helped me out as long as he could. I started to bonk real big and at a certain point, he just had to go on without me. I got off my bike and ate whatever I had in my jersey pockets. I then stopped a pair of couples from TX and begged them for a couple bottles of water. I got myself together and made it back to town. I chose not to go out for the third and final stretch. The first 70mi and 8,000 ft of climbing did me in...
We won the team event with Brian and Jenny, (the super couple) smashing it on the brand spankin' new Trek Top Fuels. Jenny did the final lap and got into a little rain. Lucky for her, she finished 20 or 30 minutes before anyone else!
Brian pacing me, pre-bonk...

Jenny coming in first, a little muddy.