Friday, February 19, 2010

LA to LA

I can't believe how long it feels like its been since I've slept in my own bed. Technically, it has been two weeks, but that amount of time feels more like 2 months. I've been in Louisiana shooting our TV show in the cities of Lafayette, Shreveport (with Kenny Wayne Shepherd - him and his family are truly great people), and New Orleans. We were in Lafayette for the super bowl and in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I wish I had some easily accessible photos to share, but I currently can't find any. Needless to say, our time in Louisiana was crazy. Fun, but crazy.

Rigth now I'm in Los Angeles shooting the Trek and K Swiss team camp. What a change in the group of people we are shooting with. Musicians like to stay up way too late and tend to spend time in smoky clubs. While athletes live a more 'lame' life of being to bed early and eating yogurt with granola. (more my speed I guess)

Regardless of who we're shooting, we're shooting a lot. We've worked plenty of hours (ie; 16-18 hour days) and I'm feeling it. I'm still trying to train and eat right, but nothing compares to being in your groove of training and resting.

I'm here for another few days before I head home and then I head to New Orleans again - for 18 hours - then home again. (Then hopefully a training camp)


1 comment:

Mom said...

What TV show are you working on now? Be sure to take care of yourself along the way!